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World Language Education Program (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese and Spanish Majors and Minors)

The undergraduate World Language Education Program, including the Italian major and minor, was suspended in the fall of 2020 and will be discontinued at the undergraduate level as of fall 2023. A new, graduate-level program in World Language Education is under development and will provide teacher certification in these languages. Contact the Department of Curriculum and Instruction,, regarding the status of this new program.

The information included here in the Guide is still provided as a resource for admitted undergraduate students.

The mission of the World Language Education (WLE) program is (1) to promote a community-based approach to world language instruction; (2) to educate teachers who understand different cultures, are proficient in their languages, routinely visit other countries, and can build bridges across nations, races, socioeconomic groups, cultures, and languages; and (3) to certify teachers who are prepared to serve the global needs of increasingly multicultural and multilingual schools and are strongly committed to act for a world in which shared understanding through conflict resolution, negotiation and communication are guiding principles.

There is a growing need for multilingual teachers from diverse backgrounds. The WLE faculty encourages qualified applicants from under-represented groups to apply for admissions to the program. The director of the World Language Education program is Professor François Tochon,, 544C Teacher Education Building.

The objectives of the K–12 WLE program are

  • to provide a philosophy of action designed to promote thoughtful curriculum development and classroom teaching in WLE;
  • to provide regular contacts with the global community and in-service teachers in schools through field evenings, workshops, conferences, and other professional meetings;
  • to provide clinical settings which enhance opportunities for beginning teachers to develop skillful practice and build bridges across languages, cultures, races, and nationalities;
  • to help student teachers use multilingual educational technologies and document their experiences in electronic portfolios and implement research-based practices in their teaching;
  • to provide university instructors and supervisors who are well-versed in WLE, who have an international orientation, and who are both approachable and helpful to student teachers.

Program majors include Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish, and may also include Italian and Portuguese if field placements are available in these subject areas. Completion of the WLE program leads to a bachelor of science degree in education with a major in the specific subject area. Wisconsin state licensing regulations require that students are licensed to teach at the early childhood through adolescence (approximately kindergarten through high school) levels.

Oral and written examinations are required for all world language teacher candidates enrolled in Wisconsin educator preparation programs, as is an extensive immersion experience. (Students becoming certified to teach Latin are exempt from both the Oral Proficiency Exam and immersion experience requirement.)

Admissions to the Italian BSE have been suspended as of fall 2020 and will be discontinued as of fall 2023. If you have any questions, please contact the department.

Program Admission Overview

Note: The undergraduate World Language Education Program will be suspended in the fall of 2020. A new graduate-level program is being developed for teacher certification in these languages.

Students are admitted to the World Language Education undergraduate professional program once a year, effective in the fall. Selection is made the previous spring.

The last group of undergraduates will be selected for the professional program in the spring of 2020 and must apply by May 1, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. for consideration. Admission criteria listed below have been modified from previous years to accommodate students interested in applying for the final undergraduate cohort. This group includes freshmen beginning in the fall of 2019. Contact Education Academic Services for additional information.

Entering the School of Education

New and Current UW–Madison Students

New freshmen and transfer students interested in World Language Education are admitted directly to the School of Education with a "pre-professional" classification. This classification indicates that a student is interested in a program offered by the school, but has not applied and been admitted to the professional program. Students interested in World Language Education receive the pre-professional classification of PRS.

On-campus students wishing to be admitted to the school while working on eligibility requirements and application can apply for admission to the school by completing a Pre-Professional Application. A minimum GPA of 2.5, based on UW–Madison coursework, is required to transfer into the school. This GPA may be modified by the Last 60 Credits rule (detailed below). It is not necessary to be a pre-professional student before applying to a professional program.

It is strongly recommended that students interested in a School of Education program meet with an academic advisor in Education Academic Services (EAS), 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall; call 608-262-1651 to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

Prospective Transfer Students

Applicants not already enrolled on the UW–Madison campus must be admissible to the university to enroll in a School of Education program. Admission to UW–Madison requires an additional application and admission process. The deadline for this application may be different, and much earlier, than the application to the professional program. See UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment for application information. Prospective transfer students are strongly advised to meet with an Education Academic Services advisor in advance of their application; to schedule, call 608-262-1651.

Students with a Previous Degree

Prospective applicants who already hold an undergraduate degree are strongly encouraged to meet with an Education Academic Services advisor in advance of their application. Consultations with advisors are available in person or via telephone; to schedule, call 608-262-1651.

Applicants who already hold an undergraduate degree are admitted to the School of Education as either anEducation Specialstudent or asecond degree student, depending on their interests and academic background. Admission as an Education Special student indicates that the student has an interest in pursuing certification in a subject area studied during the initial degree; another degree is not awarded for this "certification only" coursework. Second degree students are seeking a second, unrelated degree from the School of Education, which may, or may not, include teacher certification. Candidates for limited enrollment programs must meet all admission eligibility requirements for the program and must compete with the eligible applicants for program admission. More information is available here.

Native and Heritage Speakers

Native or heritage speakers of a language major offered within the World Language Education program are welcome to pursue admission to the World Language Education program. Prospective applicants and transfer students who have previous experience with a language are encouraged to consult with an advisor in Education Academic Services as early as possible; to schedule, call 608-262-1651.

Native or heritage speakers must take a placement exam in the corresponding language to determine the appropriate level of remaining instruction in grammar, communication standards and social customs, and other topics related to language acquisition and proficiency. Placement examinations for Spanish, French, and German are offered on campus through Testing & Evaluation Services or the University of Wisconsin System's Regional Placement Testing Program. Placement examinations for Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Latin, and Portuguese are administered by faculty or staff within the relevant academic department. For more information regarding placement in language courses, consult the Languages at UW–Madison placement guide.

Application and ADMISSION

Applicants to the World Language Education program will be selected once a year, during the spring semester. Admission decisions will be based on coursework completed through the preceding fall semester. Admission is provisional until spring semester work has been completed and posted, and Education Academic Services staff have verified that students have met the eligibility requirements.

Resources limit the number of students who can be served by the UW–Madison World Language Education teacher education program. In recent years the World Language Education program has been able to accommodate all qualified applicants; however, if the number of qualified applicants to World Language Education exceeds program resources, admission will become limited and competitive. If this happens, meeting or surpassing the minimum eligibility criteria will not guarantee admission.


Requirements and selection criteria may be modified from one application/admission period to the next. Any changes to these criteria may occur up until the application period begins. Potential applicants should consult the School of Education's Apply to a Program page for application deadlines and detailed information regarding current eligibility requirements and selection criteria prior to submitting an application.

To be considered for admission, students must:

  • earn a minimum 2.75 grade point average on all major coursework completed
  • earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 (on a 4.00 scale).1
  • submit completed program application form(s), transcripts, and all other related application materials by the application deadline specified on the School of Education's Apply to a Program page.
  • Immersion Experience - In previous years, program eligibility included the completion of an immersion experience. While this requirement has been removed as a consideration for program eligibility, students must still complete an immersion experience prior to beginning the professional sequence.

A comprehensive cumulative GPA of all college-level, transferrable coursework attempted on both the UW–Madison campus coursework and coursework taken at any other colleges or universities may be calculated for the exclusive purpose of establishing an applicant's eligibility for consideration. Both the comprehensive cumulative GPA and the comprehensive cumulative GPA based on a student's last 60 credits may be calculated. See Last 60 Credits Rule (detailed below). If admitted, students must earn the minimum cumulative GPA for UW–Madison coursework established by their program and the School of Education each semester after admission.

Last 60 Credits Rule

Two grade point averages will be calculated to determine candidates' eligibility to programs. GPAs will be calculated using

  • all transferable college level coursework attempted, and
  • the last 60 credits attempted.

The higher GPA of these two will be used for purposes of determining eligibility. If fewer than 60 credits have been attempted, all credits will be used to calculate the GPA. Graded graduate coursework will also be used in all GPA calculations. ("Attempted" coursework indicates coursework for which a grade has been earned.) More information regarding this rule is available here.


Students may apply to be certified in more than one language. Eligibility requirements must be met and separate applications must be filed for each area of interest. Students must be admitted as a major in at least one of the program areas as it is not possible to be admitted only to complete a minor.

Students interested in combining the World Language Education degree program with certification in another area altogether must apply to both programs and meet the minimum criteria for admission to each program. It is suggested that students apply as majors in each area of interest, thus maximizing the chances of admission. Certification in two different areas requires the consent and cooperation of the World Language Education program coordinator and the faculty coordinator of the other subject area. Not all subjects can be combined with the World Language Education degree program.

While multiple majors or major–minor combinations are feasible and may be advantageous as a career strategy, it may take extra time to complete the additional subject area coursework. Students are encouraged to work closely with their Education Academic Services advisor to assess the possibility of completing certification in more than one area and to coordinate the requirements of multiple certifications.

Program Admission SELECTION Criteria

The files of all applicants will be individually and holistically reviewed by a panel of World Language professionals. The criteria used for admission include the following:

  • Academic Qualifications: The applicant demonstrates mastery of the target language and knowledge of its literature, civilization, and culture.
  • Career Maturity: The applicant demonstrates commitment to teaching the target language to elementary, middle, and high school students, including consideration of his or her own strengths and limitations as a potential teacher.
  • Ability to Relate to Youth: The applicant demonstrates the ability to work effectively with young people.
  • Commitment to All Students: The applicant demonstrates commitment to working with all students including those of different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and students with disabilities, not just the economically privileged or highly motivated.
  • Interpersonal Skills: The applicant demonstrates the ability to work effectively with peers, other professionals, and members of the community outside of school settings.

The application files are rated according to the above criteria for each language. A final cohort is selected along with rank-ordered alternates, based on a combination of ratings made by the World Language Education review committee and judgement by the faculty program coordinator about optimal cohort characteristics for each language. The availability of field placements in the subject area may also influence the selection process. Admission procedures are reviewed every other year to ensure fairness and effectiveness.


The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is required by law to conduct a background check on each applicant for a Wisconsin educator license. This check is intended to determine if the applicant has engaged in any behavior that endangers the health, welfare, safety or education of PK-12 pupils. Local school districts also will conduct criminal background checks routinely on teacher education students prior to the start of in-classroom field work. Admitted applicants to any teacher education program who have a positive background check should confer with the Academic Dean's Office (Room 139 Education, 1000 Bascom Mall) about the potential impact of this on field placements and licensure.

An individual who is deemed ineligible to participate in field or clinical experiences based on the results of their background check may not be able to complete the requirements for their degree or certification. Students with questions about these processes should contact the academic dean in Education Academic Services.

On This Page

  • University General Education Requirements
  • School of Education Liberal Studies Requirements
  • Program Structure
  • Major Requirements
  • Oral and Written Proficiency Exams
    • About the Oral and Written Proficiency Exams
  • Immersion Experience
    • About the Immersion Experience
  • Professional Education Requirements (Professional Sequence)
    • About the Professional Sequence
    • Professional Sequence Course Requirements
  • Elective Coursework
  • GPA and Other Graduation Requirements
    • Graduation Requirements
    • Degree Audit (DARS)
  • Additional Certification Requirements and Applying for a License
  • University Degree Requirements

University General Education Requirements

All undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum set of common university general education requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. Consult your advisor for assistance, as needed. For additional information, see the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.

General Education
  • Breadth—Humanities/Literature/Arts: 6 credits
  • Breadth—Natural Science: 4 to 6 credits, consisting of one 4- or 5-credit course with a laboratory component; or two courses providing a total of 6 credits
  • Breadth—Social Studies: 3 credits
  • Communication Part A & Part B *
  • Ethnic Studies *
  • Quantitative Reasoning Part A & Part B *

* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of any course that fulfills one of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Part B requirements.

School of Education Liberal Studies Requirements

All students are required to complete a minimum of 40 credits of Liberal Studies coursework. This requirement provides an opportunity to do some academic exploration beyond the scope of the major. Students take courses in areas of particular interest and also have an opportunity to sample the wide selection of courses offered across the university. Coursework is required in humanities, social studies, science, and cultural and historical studies. Some elective coursework is also needed to reach the required number of credits.

The School of Education's Liberal Studies Requirements automatically satisfy most of the University General Education Requirements outlined above, including ethnic studies, humanities/literature, social studies, and science. Students pursuing most School of Education degree programs may also complete Communication Part B, Quantitative Reasoning Part A, and Quantitative Reasoning Part B through courses required by their degree program. If a student cannot complete a General Education Requirement within the curriculum of their chosen School of Education program, academic advisors can offer suggestions for courses that meet the requirement and augment the student's primary area of study.

A basic outline of the liberal studies is included below. Students must consult the detailed version of the requirements for information about course selection and approved course options.

Humanities, 9 credits

All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits to include:

  • Literature
  • Fine Arts
  • Humanities Electives

Social Studies (Social Science)

All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits. Teacher certification programs and Kinesiology have unique requirements in this category.


All students must complete a minimum of 9 credits to include:

  • Biological Science
  • Physical Science
  • Laboratory Science
  • Science Electives

Cultural and Historical Studies

All students must complete three requirements (9 credits) met by separate courses. Any of these courses can also be used to meet the Humanities or Social Studies (Social Sciences) requirements if it has the relevant breadth designation.

  • Ethnic Studies
  • U.S./European History
  • Global Perspectives

Complete Liberal Studies Electives to total 40 Credits.

Program Structure

This program has five components:

  • Liberal studies courses expose students to a broad range of academic disciplines. The university-wide General Education requirements also encourage this breadth of study.
  • Prerequisite coursework prepares students for work in the major. Program applicants must also complete and document an immersion experience as a prerequisite to beginning the professional sequence.
  • Major coursework offers in-depth study of the subject students will teach.
  • Professional education coursework includes an examination of the schools' relationship to our society and the processes by which students grow and learn. The professional sequence is a four-semester sequence of world language teaching methods course work and field experiences in schools.
  • Elective coursework is taken to reach the minimum of 120 credits required for the degree.

The four semesters of professional coursework are followed sequentially and taken in consecutive semesters. Because of the program structure, students are expected to have completed most of their major and liberal studies coursework by the start of the professional sequence.

Major Requirements

Complete a minimum of 36 credits. Students must complete at least 15 credits of upper-level major coursework (numbered 300–699) in residence on the UW–Madison campus. Directed study coursework may not be applied to the major requirements.

Complete 16 credits of Elementary and Intermediate Italian, or demonstrate proficiency at the equivalent levels:
ITALIAN 101 First Semester Italian 4
ITALIAN 102 Second Semester Italian 4
ITALIAN 203 Third Semester Italian 4
ITALIAN 204 Fourth Semester Italian 4
Select 20 hours beyond ITALIAN 204 to include:
Advanced Italian Language
and Writing Workshop
Studies in Italian Literature and Culture I
and Studies in Italian Literature and Culture II
Upper level Culture/Civilization course chosen in consultation with advisor 3
Select two more courses in literature or culture/civilization (400 or 500 level) 6-8
Additional coursework, if necessary, to reach the minimum of 36 credits

Students who expect to become teachers of Italian should elect courses in related fields, such as art history, history, other languages and literatures (especially English), music appreciation, and philosophy. Prospective teachers should take every opportunity to increase oral mastery of the language. The Italian Club at the university offers lectures and films about Italy, and opportunities to converse in Italian. Occasionally, modern and classical plays are presented for the public.

Oral and Written Proficiency Exams

About the Oral and Written Proficiency Exams

Students in the World Language Education program must provide evidence of having earned at least an Intermediate High score on an American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Latin Education students are exempt from this requirement, see below.

The interview must be taken prior to beginning the first student teaching experience (second semester of the professional sequence). Students should be aware that it may take as long as three months to obtain results, and factor this delay into the scheduling of the OPI. If the score of Intermediate High is not made after the first examination, a student will be asked to take measures to improve their spoken language proficiency before continuing in the program. The student must repeat the OPI and achieve the required Intermediate High proficiency level.

All students in World Language Education (except Latin Education), are also required to complete the Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) no later than the third semester in the program. It is recommended that students take the test during the second semester of the professional sequence. A proficiency level of Intermediate High is also required for this examination. Students must take and pass the WPT in their program area and the scores must be received by Education Academic Services before beginning the final student teaching semester. Students who do not take and pass the exam will not be permitted to student teach. Successful completion of the WPT meets the Department of Public Instruction's content proficiency requirement.

Both the Oral Proficiency Interview and the Writing Proficiency Test are administered by Language Testing International (LTI). Their address is LTI, 3 Barker Avenue, Suite 310, White Plains, NY 10601; 800-486-8444. Students are responsible for costs associated with the OPI and the WPT.

Students seeking Latin certification will be required to take a proficiency exam administered by the Department of Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies prior to beginning the first student teaching experience (second semester of the professional sequence). This exam will take the place of the OPI and WPT required for certification in other languages.

See the World Language Education program coordinator with questions about these requirements.

Immersion Experience

About the Immersion Experience

Participation in an intensive immersion experience is one of the most important and meaningful ways of developing competence in a language. In preparation for the proficiency exams, students seeking certification in a language must participate in an approved immersion experience which emphasizes prolonged and intensive interaction within the target language and culture.

Program applicants completing French, German, and Spanish majors must complete and document a full-semester (or minimum four-month-long) immersion experience prior to beginning the professional program course work. Students completing majors in Chinese and Japanese must spend at least one academic year living in China or Japan, respectively—also a prerequisite to beginning the professional program.

The immersion experience must be completed by July 15 preceding the program start. The experience must also have been completed no more than three years before this date.

An approved experience involves significant interaction and day-to-day functioning in the host language, including use of the target language on a daily basis such as in college-level courses, a training program, or a work experience. The immersion experience need not involve attendance in an academic program only, but may take some form such that the language of routine communication is the target language. Simply living with relatives or traveling as a tourist is not considered an immersion experience for the purposes of the World Language Education Program. Most students choose to participate in a structured educational or exchange immersion program.

Students should consult with the International Academic Programs (IAP) office, 106 Red Gym, regarding campus-based study abroad programs. These experiences need not receive prior approval. Experiences through off-campus programs must have prior approval of the World Language Education faculty program coordinator. To obtain prior immersion experience approval, download and complete the approval form, meet with the WLE program coordinator, and obtain authorization. Bring two copies of the form to your meeting, obtain signatures on both, and leave one copy with the coordinator.

Native speakers are normally considered to have fulfilled this requirement without further documentation, especially if they received their secondary education in an environment where the target language is the primary means of communication. Heritage speakers are usually considered to have fulfilled this requirement; applicants must consult with the program coordinator about this requirement.

Professional Education Requirements (Professional Sequence)

About the Professional Sequence

The professional program is typically a full-time, four-semester sequence of education courses and school-based field experiences. The four semesters of required professional coursework must be followed sequentially and taken in consecutive semesters. Students must enroll in all required coursework outlined in each semester of the program, even if similar coursework was taken at another institution. Students begin the professional sequence in the fall.

It is expected that the immersion experience and almost all major and liberal studies coursework be completed by the start of the professional sequence; completion of the entire major is preferred. The structure of the sequence allows very little time to pursue remaining coursework in these areas.

ACTFL OPI certification of speaking ability in the language rated Intermediate High or above is required by the end of the first semester in the program. Students must also complete the Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) no later than their third semester in the program. A rating of Intermediate High or above must be earned before a student is allowed to participate in the final student teaching semester. See further information under Oral and Written Proficiency Exams.

Students admitted to two areas of language certification follow the same four-semester sequence as single certification students; consult with the World Language Education program coordinator to arrange sequence requirements.

The professional program is a full-time commitment and places heavy demands on students' time and energy. Students must make satisfactory progress in their program to continue. This professional judgment is made by the faculty program coordinator in consultation with cooperating teachers and supervisors.

Professional Sequence Course Requirements

Complete all of the courses listed below. Required courses must be taken during the semester listed. Other courses may be taken at any time, including summer, but a suggested course sequence is provided.

Semester 1
Required Courses
CURRIC 342 Teaching World Languages (K-8) 3
CURRIC 243 Practicum in World Languages (K-12) 1 3
Other Courses
ED POL 300 School and Society 3
or ED POL/​HISTORY  412 History of American Education
CURRIC/​RP & SE  506 Strategies for Inclusive Schooling 3
ED PSYCH 301 How People Learn 3
Semester 2
Required Courses
CURRIC 442 Student Teaching in World Languages (K-8) 2 6
or CURRIC 443 Student Teaching in World Languages (6-12)
Other Courses
ED PSYCH 331 Human Development From Childhood Through Adolescence 3
Semester 3
Required Courses
CURRIC 343 Teaching World Languages (6-12) 3
CURRIC 443 Student Teaching in World Languages (6-12) 3 6
or CURRIC 442 Student Teaching in World Languages (K-8)
Other Courses
CURRIC 305 Integrating the Teaching of Reading with Other Language Arts 3
Semester 4
Required Courses
CURRIC 443 Student Teaching in World Languages (6-12) 4 9
CURRIC 564 Advanced Problems on the Teaching of World Languages 3

The practicum will take place three days a week; placement will probably be at the elementary level. Fieldwork this semester is a half-time commitment and encompasses an entire semester based on the UW–Madison calendar. Placements are made within a 50-mile field experiences service area and may not necessarily be in the city of Madison.


Placement will probably be at the elementary level, three days a week. Fieldwork this semester is a half-time commitment and encompasses an entire semester based on the UW–Madison calendar.


Placement will probably be at the middle school level. Fieldwork this semester is a half-time commitment and encompasses an entire semester based on the school district calendar. (Fall semester extends from late August through mid-January; spring semester extends from mid-January through early mid-June.)


Student teaching this semester is a full-time commitment and will be at the high school level. Fieldwork this semester encompasses an entire semester based on the school district calendar.

Elective Coursework

Complete additional coursework as needed to reach the minimum of 120 credits required for the degree.

GPA and Other Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements are based on UW–Madison coursework.

  • 2.75 cumulative grade point average. This may be modified by the Last 60 Credits Rule.
  • 2.75 cumulative grade point average in all major coursework
  • 2.75 cumulative grade point average in all upper-level major coursework
  • 2.75 cumulative grade point average in all professional education coursework
  • Degree candidates must complete at least 120 total credits.
  • No more than 40 credits from a single academic department may be applied toward the 120 minimum credits required for graduation.
  • Major residency. Degree candidates must complete at least 15 credits of upper-level major coursework in residence on the UW–Madison campus.
  • Senior residency. Degree candidates must complete their last 30 credits in residence on the UW–Madison campus. Student teaching and practicum work are considered part of the 30 credits.

Degree Audit (DARS)

UW–Madison uses "DARS" to document a student's progress toward the completion of their degree, including any additional majors and certificates. A DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) report shows all the requirements for completing a degree and, against courses that are planned or completed, shows the requirements that have been met, and those that are unmet. A report can offer suggestions about courses that may be taken to meet specific requirements and can assist in the academic planning and enrollment process. Students can access a DARS report in the Course Search & Enroll app or Student Center via My UW.

DARS also has a "what-if" function. This feature makes it possible to request a DARS report as if pursuing another program, major or certificate. It is an excellent tool if considering a new or additional area of study. School of Education students in a pre-professional classification such as Pre-Elementary (PRE), or Pre-Kinesiology should request a "what if" DARS report of their professional program of interest.

More information on how to request a DARS report is available on the registrar's website.

DARS is not intended to replace student contact with academic advisers. It creates more time in an advising appointment to discuss course options, research opportunities, graduate school, or issues of personal interest or concern to students.

DARS is used as the document of record for degree program, major and certificate completion in the School of Education.

Additional Certification Requirements and Applying for a License

In addition to completing UW-Madison's program requirements, students must also complete Wisconsin statutory requirements and certification requirements established by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Many of these requirements are embedded within the program's requirements and require no additional attention. The endorsement of the program coordinator/faculty is also required to receive certification through UW–Madison.

The State of Wisconsin requires that anyone wishing to teach in a public K–12 setting hold a valid teaching license issued through the Department of Public Instruction. In addition to completing a certification program, students must submit a separate application for this license.

Detailed information about certification requirements and applying for a license is available under Certification/Licensure.

University Degree Requirements

Total Degree To receive a bachelor's degree from UW–Madison, students must earn a minimum of 120 degree credits. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 degree credits. Students should consult with their college or department advisor for information on specific credit requirements.
Residency Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification. "In residence" credit also includes UW–Madison courses offered in distance or online formats and credits earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away programs.
Quality of Work Undergraduate students must maintain the minimum grade point average specified by the school, college, or academic program to remain in good academic standing. Students whose academic performance drops below these minimum thresholds will be placed on academic probation.
  1. In Semester 1, prior to starting student teaching, students must have acquired Intermediate High proficiency in their target language on the ACTFL OPI scale as measured by two independent external evaluators.
  2. In Year 1, student teachers must demonstrate the ability to teach in a K-8 context, as evaluated by their University supervisor and their mentor teacher through repeated direct observations.
  3. During their content courses, students must meet (a) teacher education standards; and (b) ACTFL standards, as measured by (a) formative and summative evaluation of their assignments; (b) Teacher Education portfolio.
  4. In Year 2, student teachers must demonstrate the ability to teach in a 6-12 school context, as evaluated by their University supervisor and their cooperating teacher through repeated direct observations.
  5. To get certified by the Department of Public Instruction, at the end of Year 2, student teachers must have successfully completed an EdTPA Portfolio of their classroom experiences that demonstrates professionalism and meets the EdTPA standards, as evaluated by external evaluators.

Italian Major: Sample Graduation Plan

This sample graduation plan is designed to guide your course selection throughout your academic career; it does not establish a contractual agreement. Use it along with your DARS report and the Course Guide to create a plan reflecting your placement scores, incoming credits, and individual interests. Consult with an academic advisor to develop a personalized plan of study and refer to the Guide for a complete list of requirements. You will likely revise your plan several times during your academic career here, based on your activities and changing academic interests.

The requirements and structure of this degree program extend graduation beyond the typical four years. Proficiency in the language must be developed before embarking on the required immersion experience. A four-semester professional education sequence follows the immersion experience, beginning in the fall semester. Most students in Italian Education enter UW-Madison having completed at least the first two semesters of the language; this level of proficiency is reflected in the plan.

Fall Credits Spring Credits
Communication A (fall or spring semester) 3 Communication A (fall or spring semester) 3
Liberal Studies course work 6-9 Ethnic Studies 3
Quantitative Reasoning A 3
Liberal Studies course work 3-6
13 16
Fall Credits Spring Credits
Quantitative Reasoning B 3 ITALIAN 312 3
ITALIAN 3111 3 ITALIAN 322 3
ITALIAN 321 3 Liberal Studies course work 6
Liberal Studies course work 3-6
12-15 12
Fall Credits Spring Credits
Study Abroad (fall, spring, or both semesters Study Abroad (fall, spring, or both semesters)
Upper Level Italian Culture/Civilization Elective 3 400+ level Italian Literature or Culture/Civilization Elective 3
400+ level Italian Literature or Culture/Civilization Elective 3 Upper Level Italian Major Elective 3
Upper Level Italian Major Elective 3 Upper Level Italian Major Elective 3
Liberal Studies, Major or General Elective course work 3 Liberal Studies, Major or General Elective course work 3
12 12
Fall Credits Spring Credits
CURRIC 342 3 CURRIC 442 or 443 6
CURRIC 243 3 ED PSYCH 331 3
CURRIC/​RP & SE  506 3 Liberal Studies, Major or General Elective course work 3
ED POL 300 or 412 3
ED PSYCH 301 3
15 12
Fifth Year
Fall Credits Spring Credits
CURRIC 343 3 CURRIC 443 9
CURRIC 443 or 442 6 CURRIC 564 3
CURRIC 305 (also meets Communication B) 3
12 12
Total Credits 128-131

Study abroad course availability will influence the selection of UW-Madison courses in the major.

Italian Education Advising

Consult with advising staff in the School of Education Student Services office, Room 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, 608-262-1651, for general questions regarding certification to teach Italian. Current students should schedule an appointment online through the Starfish app in MyUW. Appointments can also be made through email at, by calling 608-262-1651, or in person. Students may want to meet with an undergraduate advisor in the French and Italian department regarding course sequencing and other aspects of this field of study.

School of Education Advising

Dedicated to supporting and promoting student success, the School of Education Student Services staff is here to assist students with the adjustment to college, understanding their degree and career goals, and connecting to resources.  ESS supports prospective and current School of Education students in all programs through:

  • academic and career advising
  • mentoring and advocacy for underrepresented and international students
  • requirements monitoring
  • interpreting academic policy
  • and more!

Students in the School of Education are encouraged to make Student Services a vital part of their academic and employment journey.

To schedule an appointment: Current students can schedule an appointment online through the Starfish app in MyUW. Appointments can also be made through email at, by calling 608-262-1651, or in person.

Career Advising in the School of Education

The School of Education Career Center provides students with the knowledge needed for connecting their classroom experiences with real-world application. Through individual appointments, events, and online resources, the Career Center provides students and alumni with the tools needed to be successful in their career development. From building resumes, conducting job and internship searches, developing interview skills, and negotiation strategies, the Career Center provides a foundation for developing the essential skills for the ever-changing world of work.

Students can set up their profile on Handshake, the campus online career management system, to find open internships, jobs, and career events.

Current School of Education students can make an appointment with a Career and Internship Advisor by logging into Starfish from the MyUW dashboard and selecting a day and time that works best with their schedule.

School of Education Alumni can schedule an appointment by completing the appointment request form.

For more information, visit the School of Education Career Center website or reach out at

Information about faculty, staff, and other contributors to the program can be found on the Curriculum and Instruction and French and Italian departmental websites.

Additional Certification Requirements

Note: In August of 2018, the Department of Public Instruction issued new administrative rules governing educator licensing. Changes in certification requirements and also the license types and levels will occur as program areas implement the new requirements.

Students must complete all requirements and also obtain the endorsement of the program faculty to receive certification through UW–Madison. These requirements include those required by UW–Madison, the Department of Public Instruction, and those mandated by state statutes. While most of these requirements are embedded in course content, some (e.g., the Wisconsin Foundations of Reading Test) are not related to course enrollment.

Students pursuing certification should be aware of the following requirements. See the Teacher Education Center website for additional information/requirements.

Certification requirements should be monitored carefully. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) periodically implements regulations that affect all certification programs; teacher certification candidates are responsible for having up-to-date information about certification requirements.

Disclosure Statement and Background Checks

Disclosure Statement

Applicants to School of Education programs that involve a practicum, internship, or other field placement must complete a disclosure statement indicating (1) whether they have been admitted to, then withdrawn from, asked to withdraw from, or been dropped from a student teaching, clinical experience, or other intern/practicum program, and (2) if they have ever been placed on probation or disciplined by any college or university for academic dishonesty.

Background Checks

Pursuant to State of Wisconsin law PI 34.018(2), the School of Education is required to administer a background check on all students entering teacher education programs. This check is intended to determine if the applicant has engaged in any behavior that endangers the health, welfare, safety, or education of PK-12 pupils. Local school districts frequently conduct background checks on teacher education students prior to the start of their in-classroom field work, and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is required by law to conduct a background check on all Wisconsin educator license applicants.
Students should be aware that background checks may be initiated by other agencies or organizations when they are seeking employment or a professional license. School administrators have the authority to determine the appropriateness of a student placement and may choose not to permit a placement based on a student's background check results.
An individual who has been deemed ineligible to participate in field or clinical experiences based on the results of their background check may not be able to complete the requirements for their degree or certification. Students with questions about these processes should contact the Teacher Education Center,

Environmental Education

This licensing requirement is mandatory for all UW-Madison students in Elementary Education, Secondary Science and Secondary Social Studies certification programs. Students with previous degrees in their subjects must also monitor and complete this requirement for certification and licensure.

Depending on the program area, students meet this requirement through their methods courses or by taking an environmental studies course.

Student Teaching and Assessment

Students in teacher education programs are required to complete a significant performance assessment prior to certification and eventual licensure. This assessment demonstrates the candidate's preparedness to teach. Until recently, the edTPA was the required assessment tool; it is no longer the only option. Additional tests may also be required, although this varies by certification area.

Detailed information related to these requirements, along with fee and registration information can be found on the Teacher Education Center website; see the Exams section of Become a Teacher. A brief description of these tests and assessments is provided below.

Content Proficiency

Students completing professional education programs must demonstrate proficiency in their content area. This is accomplished a number of ways, varying by certification area. For example, Elementary Education students must have a major GPA of 3.0. World Language Education students must have a 3.0 in their major or minor area, meet an ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview requirement, and also pass the ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT). A student may be required to take and pass an approved examination in their content area, usually the appropriate Praxis II: Subject Assessments/Specialty Area Tests through the Educational Testing Service (ETS).

Wisconsin Foundations of Reading Test

As of January 31, 2014, individuals seeking an initial Wisconsin license to teach in kindergarten through grade 5 or in special education, an initial Wisconsin license as a reading teacher, or an initial Wisconsin license as a reading specialist, must take and pass the Wisconsin Foundations of Reading Test. Students in Special Education have an additional portfolio option that can be used as a substitute for the WFORT. Undergraduate programs impacted by this requirement are Elementary Education and Special Education.

This test is for Wisconsin licensing purposesonly. Students who choose not to pursue Wisconsin educator licensing need not take and pass this test.

Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA)

Until recently, students were required to pass the edTPA to be recommended for licensure. Students may still elect to use it as an assessment tool, but it is no longer required. The edTPA is a subject area-specific, performance-based assessment for pre-service teacher candidates, which is centered on student learning. Evidence of candidate teaching proficiency in the areas of planning, engagement and instruction, and assessment is drawn from a subject-specific learning segment, 3–5 lessons from a unit of instruction. Assessment artifacts include video clips of instruction, lesson plans, student work samples, analysis of student learning, and reflective commentaries. These artifacts will be taken together and scored by trained evaluators using the standardized set of edTPA rubrics.

Field Experiences

School-based field experiences are a critical part of students' professional preparation for teaching. Under Wisconsin State regulations, students seeking teaching certification from UW–Madison are required to complete at least one pre-student teaching practicum and at least one full semester of student teaching. Most programs at UW–Madison require students to complete additional field experiences.

Pre–Student Teaching Practicum

The pre–student teaching practicum gives students firsthand knowledge of the classroom environment and the teacher's role. For many students, the practicum is the initial encounter with the real world of teaching. Practicum students do not assume the degree of classroom responsibility they do during student teaching. Under the supervision of an experienced teacher, practicum students observe classroom activities, assist the teacher with day-to-day classroom management tasks, interact one-to-one with students, and instruct small groups. The cooperating teacher and university supervisor use the practicum to assess the student's readiness for the student teaching experience.

Student Teaching Experience

Student teaching, the culminating field experience, is a full-time, school district semester assignment that places a university student under the guidance of an experienced, qualified cooperating teacher. After an orientation period, the student teacher gradually assumes more responsibility for planning, instruction, and overall classroom management. Student teachers follow the daily schedule of the cooperating teacher and the building policies of the school, and function as regular staff members in arrival and departure times and attendance at school events.

The student teaching experience follows the calendar of the local school district. A fall semester assignment will typically begin the latter part of August and end the latter part of January. A spring semester assignment will begin the latter part of January and end mid-June. Holiday breaks follow the school district calendar. Carrying other formal course work during the student teaching semester is strongly discouraged.

Detailed policies and regulations regarding field experiences can be found on the Teacher Education Center website. Students and staff are responsible for knowing and complying with the Field Experience policies. Many professional programs have their own separate handbooks and specific policies; students are also responsible for those policies and procedures.

Withdrawing From/Failing Field Experience Assignments

Withdrawing from a field experience has serious implications for the student's progress in the program. Students who withdraw or receive an unsatisfactory grade (including a "D") from a field experience may not repeat such experiences without approval from the program coordinator. Students withdrawing from or receiving an unsatisfactory grade in field experiences in one major or program may not enroll in another major or program without written permission from the program coordinator. Because of the consequences that withdrawal from a confirmed assignment may have on a student's future progress in the teaching certification program, a student who contemplates such action is strongly urged to consult with the program coordinator to fully understand the implications of such action and the options available.

Minority Group Relations and Conflict Resolution

Minority Group Relations

Wisconsin State teacher education regulations require students to complete a section titledMinority Group Relations. The rules identify Minority Group Relations as

  • The history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of American Indian tribes and bands located in Wisconsin.
  • The history, culture and contributions of women and various racial, cultural, language and economic groups in the United States.
  • The philosophical and psychological bases of attitude development and change.
  • The psychological and social implications of discrimination, especially racism and sexism in the American society.
  • Evaluating and assessing the forces of discrimination, especially racism and sexism on faculty, students, curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the school program.
  • Minority group relations through direct involvement with various racial, cultural, language and economic groups in the United States.

UW–Madison teacher education programs address these areas through course work and experiences in each professional education program. Students who successfully complete their professional program will have satisfied each of the areas of Minority Group Relations.

Conflict Resolution Requirement

Wisconsin State teacher education regulations require all individuals pursuing teacher certification to have formal training in conflict resolution. This includes

  • Resolving conflicts between pupils and between pupils and school staff.
  • Assisting pupils in learning methods of resolving conflicts between pupils and between pupils and school staff, including training in the use of peer mediation to resolve conflicts between pupils.
  • Dealing with crises, including violent, disruptive, potentially violent or potentially disruptive situations that may arise in school or activities supervised by school staff as a result of conflicts between pupils or between pupils and other persons.

All teacher certification programs include conflict resolution training in their required course work.


As of July 1, 1998, the State of Wisconsin requires that all persons seeking initial and renewal licenses to teach reading or language arts in grades Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6 (PK–6) must have successfully completed instruction in teaching reading and language arts using appropriate instructional methods, including phonics. "Phonics" means a method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by learning the phonetic value of letters, letter groups and syllables.

The Phonics requirement applies to students completing Elementary Education and Special Education certification programs. UW–Madison students fulfill this requirement through the successful completion of courses that are already required, so no additional course work is needed to meet this statutory requirement.


This licensing requirement is mandatory for secondary Social Studies Education certification. Students with previous degrees in their subjects must also monitor and complete this requirement for certification and licensure.

Students typically complete the cooperatives requirement after being admitted to the Secondary Social Studies program and should consult with the program coordinator regarding its completion.

Teacher Standards

UW–Madison teacher education students must meet all state licensing requirements for initial teaching certification in Wisconsin. These requirements, sometimes referred to as administrative rules "PI 34," mandate that individuals demonstrate proficiency on state-approved teaching standards. Each teacher education institution in Wisconsin has adopted a set of teacher education standards that meet state guidelines. These standards must be met by all students completing a licensing program.

Program graduates of UW-Madison demonstrate their knowledge and skills in five broad standard areas: (1) learner and learning environment, (2) planning, (3) engaging/instructing, (4) assessing, and (5) behaving in professional and ethical ways. Guided by Foundational Knowledge (Content) Standards, programs provide the knowledge and skills needed to meet the Performance Standards.

Applying for a Teaching License

The State of Wisconsin requires that anyone wishing to teach in a public K–12 setting hold a valid teaching license issued through the Department of Public Instruction. In addition to completing a certification program, students must submit a separate application for this license. Students intending to complete a teacher certification program should monitor program requirements carefully. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) periodically implements regulations that affect all certification programs; teacher certification candidates are responsible for having up-to-date information about certification requirements.

Licensing Levels

The Department of Public Instruction recently issued new administrative rules governing educator licensing. Changes in requirements and also the license types and levels will occur as program areas implement the new requirements.

Pending final approval from DPI, the following licensing options will be offered at UW–Madison.

  • The core Elementary Education licensing level will be Kindergarten through Grade 9. Early Childhood, or English as a Second Language Kindergarten through Grade 12, may be added to the K-9 option. These new levels will replace the current licensing levels of Early Childhood and Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence.
  • Special Education will offer licensing at the Early Childhood level, Kindergarten through Grade 12 level, and a program option that licenses in Early Childhood and K-12 Special Education. The Special Education/Elementary Education dual major option certifies students in Special Education Kindergarten through Grade 12 and Elementary Education Kindergarten through Grade 9. These new levels will replace and expand the current licensing levels of Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence and Early Adolescence through Adolescence.
  • Secondary Education program areas will license in their subject area Grades 4 through 12, and also in English as a Second Language Kindergarten through Grade 12. These new levels will replace the current licensing level of Early Adolescence through Adolescence.
  • World Language Education program areas will license at the Prekindergarten through Grade 12 level, replacing the current level of Early Childhood through Adolescence.
  • Students in special fields such as Art, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Music, and Physical Education will be licensed at the Prekindergarten through Grade 12 level, replacing the current level of Early Childhood through Adolescence.

Wisconsin State Licensing

The State of Wisconsin issues an initial teaching license to certified teachers. The current fee is $125. An online license application is available through the Department of Public Instruction. A background check will also be conducted by DPI. Information about fingerprint submission, when necessary, is available through the Department of Public Instruction.

Before applying for a license, DPI requires the electronic submission of "Endorsed Candidate for Licensure" (ECL) data by the certifying officer of the institution where the teacher preparation was completed. For UW–Madison teacher certification students, the endorsement will come from the School of Education, 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall. Once this information has been submitted to DPI, students are notified by email that they may begin the application online.

Before endorsing a student, UW–Madison requires that

  1. all certification requirements are met;
  2. student teaching (following the school district calendar) is completed;
  3. final grades are posted and reviewed;
  4. the degree is "posted" by the registrar's office (one to four weeks after graduation); and
  5. a recommendation for certification is received from the program faculty.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction may require an additional 6 to 8 weeks for license processing.

Licensing Outside of Wisconsin

To apply for a license in a state other than Wisconsin, first check out the application requirements of that state. The University of Kentucky has a website that provides links to teacher licensing agencies in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Many states have a verification form that needs to be signed by a UW–Madison certification officer. This form verifies that a state-approved licensing program has been completed. These forms should be sent to the School of Education Student Services Office at 139 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, Madison, WI 53706, or by email ( to be completed. You must complete your personal information on the form before sending it to Student Services. If the form requests information about practicum and student teaching assignments (names of schools, grade levels, dates, etc.), this information must also be completed before sending the form to Student Services.

Professional Certification/Licensure Disclosure (NC-SARA)

The United States Department of Education requires institutions that provide distance education to disclose information for programs leading to professional certification or licensure about whether each program meets state educational requirements for initial licensure or certification. Following is this disclosure information for this program:

The requirements of this program meet Certification/Licensure in the following states:


The requirements of this program do not meet Certification/Licensure in the following states:

The requirements of this program have not been determined if they meet Certification/Licensure in the following states:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming; District of Columbia; American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

Information about scholarships, academic and career advising, study abroad opportunities, student diversity services, and other resources for students in the School of Education can be found on the school's Resources page.